Thursday, 19 January 2017

It’s 2017 already?   

Hi, and welcome back, although I really should be saying that to myself. It’s hard to believe that it is over a year since I’ve posted anything here.

So what have I been up to since November 2015?
Painting, painting, painting and travelling. I was tempted to post updates on some of my projects but they were commissions, and often surprises, and it simply wouldn’t do to let the cat out of the bag – yes even if the likelihood of the recipient catching a sneak preview was pretty slim. One can never be too careful with the internet.

Here is a set of miniatures, commissioned as a 50th birthday present.
It was a challenge to encapsulate memories into a series of images but the client was thrilled 
with the results.

Rather than stage another exhibition in 2016, I entered works in community art shows and farewelled some more of my miniatures. I have also placed work in a local gallery, and am happy to say they have begun to find new homes.

Rosemary Whittaker asked for more illustrations for her wonderful children's novelsbringing the current total of six Pom Pom books to enthusiastic readers. It’s always a treat to work with Pom as he gets inside my head to such a degree that images of him creating helpful havoc ‘leap’ onto my drawing pad.

2016 afforded me a wonderful opportunity to attend a weekend master class in Maroochydore with the amazing Susan Harrison-Tustain, a very well known oil and watercolour artist from New Zealand. I cannot thank Susan enough for her generous way of sharing her knowledge and her keen encouragement of talent in others.

Last year also saw me take a little detour into the world of oils. It has been an exploration of painting knives, smelly-sticky-messy oil paint, texture, direction, and as ever, patience. 

One last thing before I leave you. 
Blogspot is an old and sometimes clunky platform, but one which allowed me to set up a clean, clear blog prior to my first solo exhibition. If someone googles me, the link appears quite easily, and that is a major incentive to stay. However, followers and casual visitors cannot post a comment or connect my site to other interested people unless they are actually registered users of Blogspot – and that is a major disadvantage. It’s one reason why I have not been posting. But in 2017 that will change. I’m on the lookout for a new platform which will answer all my needs and as many of my wishes as is technologically possible. So, erm, welcome if you’ve found me since I made the move, and welcome back if you knew me before I did.

Happy 2017 everyone, I hope it’s a brilliant year for us all.
